Friday, March 6, 2009

A New Look and My Lost Camera

Hello Everyone! I am back and since I hate putting up posts without pictures I will use photos I already have. I took this the Spring of 2007. I love how Bleeding Hearts look like little lockets, alien lockets perhaps.

I hope you enjoy the new look! Laura at DoLollies was so patient and wonderful with me. Thank you so much Laura!!

Also.... I am sorry to have been gone so long, I had some things to sort out and then my camera disappeared. I have not been doing many projects since Christmas but that will soon change and I will be posting like crazy, I am so excited! There are going to be some big changes coming in my life soon and I am thankful that I will be able to share my journey with you. I will give you more info as soon as all the details are worked out.

I will not give anything away yet, but I can say this... I know that everything I have experienced in my life, good or bad, has led me down the path I will be heading down soon. I have a clear vision of my goals and it is going to be a good life from here on out.

The lost camera thing.... I am not certain where my camera went. The last place I remember seeing it was in a bag that I checked at the airport. I forgot to grab it and put it in the carry on and I have not seen it since. Either it was taken out of my bag or I have lost my mind and it was never in the bag to start. No matter what I am cameraless. I feel like my dog ran away.


  1. thats the blog i was waiting to read, cant wait to find out what your going to do, even if i know already, wink wink


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