Thursday, October 8, 2009

100th Post and I Bet Leaves are Fast Talkers

I slept at the house last night. On an air mattress because I was too tired to drive to my grandfather's. It is one of those thick comfy mattress but it was still uncomfortable. My bed has spoiled me.
What about this weather? Cold, warm, rain, sun, a little bit of everything. The leaves are really starting to fall from the trees but sadly there is no fantastic color display. In Northern VA I would be speechless for a week when the leaves were at full color. Bright orange, red and apricot trees were everywhere. I always thought they looked like the warm glow of lamps in a cozy window. When the leaves began to fall there was this amazing smell everywhere and they would whip around you as you walked down the street like small tornadoes. Even the most mature person is tempted try to catch a handful. I imagined the leaves saying "Oh hello! Happy Fall, always go out in style, I like your scarf, gotta go, in a rush, OK bye!" I bet Fall leaves are fast talkers. I just realized that this is my 100th post. Shoot, I was going to do something fancy. Oh well....

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